Monday, August 13, 2018

Atlantic Canada vacation 2018

Leaving Nova Scotia on the ferry to Newfoundland

Arriving to a foggy rainy evening in Newfoundland

Birthday cheesecake for Cristina

Clouds over the area of Gros Morne where we'll be hiking

Dropped off at Western Brook Pond for the 1 hour ride on a tourist boat, then left off at the end of the lake.

Emergency locator the rangers gave us for the hike.  

Going up the dramatic lake to our hike start.

Start of the long range traverse, dozens of less ambitious tourists watched us get off the boat and start the hike.

Lots of clamouring around rocks to get up the ravine at the end of the lake.

Sheep Laurel

Purple Pitcherplant

At the end of a long climb out of the ravine, looking back on where we started at the end of the lake.

Navigating through the tuckamore - the thick low forest/bush that is typical of Newfoundland.

Washing off the sweat after the first day's hike

Tent platforms were at several locations, which kept us out of the bog for the night.  At the first site a camper had abandoned a camping chair, so we packed that out for the next 4 days, and enjoyed lounging in it.

Moose tracks (no ice cream)

Many, many bogs to get through

Purple Pitcherplant
Round-Leaved Sundew

Sunning after swimming across the lake by our campsite

Bunchberry, a dogwood relative

Evan wading in the lake, while we scan for moose

Flower of Purple Pitcherplant

At a highpoint in the hike, making our way through another bog

More tuckamore and bogs...

Dramatic clouds that ended up being the front end of a 12 hour rain and wind storm

Quickly set up a tent when the storm hit, then set up the second tent during a slight let-up.  We were a bit soggy by morning.


The storm just passed in the morning, leaving a thick fog.

Enjoying the fog, drizzle and blackflies after the storm

Shipwreck along the northern pennisula

Slender-leaved Sundew

Bog Wintergreen

Drying out after another damp night, while we cook supper at a roadside picnic area

Thrombolites, fossilized algae


Plants in a unique limestone area.  The plants grow in the cracks between blocks of rocks.

Several mink kept us entertained at the Labrador ferry terminal

Sunset from hotel room
Gentian Species

Arriving at a lonely pier in Labrador

"The road" in southern Labrador

Balsam Fir
American Larch


View from hill outside Red Bay

Random dog that enthusiastically jumped in the car with us

Snowshoe hare

Lighthouse tour

Drying Labrador tea at the lighthouse

Lonely Prius is the only vehicle...!

Crossing back to Newfoundland

Orchid Species

Bunchberry underneath Bracken

Cape Breton Nat'l Park, Nova Scotia

White-Fringed Orchid

Birthday gift - shopping spree at sheep and wool farm

Cristina's turn to cook in the rain

Tidal bore rafting in the Bay of Fundy

Orchid Species
Daylilies at the Dalhousie Agricultural Campus

Cordaitales Fossil
Calamites Fossil

Joggins fossil cliffs, great place for Carboniferous age fossils

Stopping at "our" Cambodian restaurant in Lowell, Mass on the way home.  Amazing Cambodian food!

Atlantic Canada vacation 2018

Leaving Nova Scotia on the ferry to Newfoundland Arriving to a foggy rainy evening in Newfoundland Birthday cheesecake ...